
Calculating Measures

Measures are measurements that can go up and down over time. Each measure should map to a measurement of a process or workflow in your organization. Counts of events, revenues and cycle times are good examples of measures you may want to add to your data model.

You will setup and update measures from the Add Data Model workflow.

Types of measures

NameInput Column TypeDescription
row countNo input column requiredCount of rows.
custom measureNo input column requiredA SQL-based custom aggregation. See Custom SQL Measures for more details.
countString or NumericSQL COUNT(). Counts the number of non-null values in a column.
count distinctString or NumericSQL COUNT(DISTINCT). Counts the number of unique, non-null values in a column.
minNumericSQL MIN(). Finds the minimum value of a column.
maxNumericSQL MAX(). Finds the maximum value of a column.
avgNumericSQL AVG(). Finds the arithmetic mean of a column.

The row count measure

The row count measure is added by default to a data model and can't be removed. This is intentional - see the best practices for defining this measure in the Data Modeling Best Practices.

Column aggregations

The simplest type of measure. See table above for which functions you can run on specific measures.

To add a column aggregating measure:

  1. Go to the Add Data Model workflow by creating a new data model or editing an existing model.
  2. In the list of fields, click Add measure next to the name of the field you'd like to aggregate.
  3. Click on the new item in the measure list to expand the and select the aggregation type.

Custom SQL measures

Custom SQL measures allow you to have more involved custom aggregations in Glean like weighted averages or proportions and other formulas. You can define a custom measure as any aggregating function (opens in a new tab) that results in a numeric value.

To add a custom measure:

  1. Go to the Add Data Model workflow by creating a new data model or editing an existing model.
  2. Under the Measures section click the + Add Custom Measure button.
  3. Enter your aggregation and click the 🔄 button to test the SQL.

Using joined columns in measure SQL

It's possible to write custom measure SQL that utilizes columns from joined models. However, if you write the following query:

count(DISTINCT id)

and the id column is not unique across joined models, the SQL won't be valid. This can solved by doing the following:

  1. Set an alias field on the model that owns the column you are trying to reference. This can be done via the YML Editor in the UI, or via Data Ops:
alias: customers_model
  1. Use the alias you just set as a table name in the custom SQL you wrote:

This should ensure that the custom measure SQL is referencing the column you intended.